Brain Chain, the Educational Board Game Where Trivia Meets Strategy and Fun!

17 February 2007

Fun Presidential Trivia Quiz

For this long weekend, we call on you to answer these questions about our U.S. Presidents. Submit your answers to and we will let you know how much you know about our great (and not-so-great) leaders. Good luck and good knowledge.

1. Who declared war on Germany, beginning the United State's involvement in World War I?

2. Who lost the 1960 presidential election to John F. Kennedy?

3. Who was the only U.S. president who was neither elected president nor vice president?

4. Who was, and remains, the only U.S. president to be a bachelor?

5. Which president scored a huge achievement with the Gadsen purchase?

6. Which U.S. president was once shot down as a U.S. fighter pilot in World War II?

7. Under which president's administration was the U.S. federal court system established?

8. Which chief executive signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the first federal law designed to thwart U.S. monopolies?

9. Which president was shot while in Buffalo, New York?

10. Whose presidency suffered humiliation when a U-2 spy plane was shot down by the Soviet Union?

Have a terrific Presidents' Day Weekend!



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