Brain Chain, the Educational Board Game Where Trivia Meets Strategy and Fun!

01 February 2007

Happy February and Brain Chain Trivia Quiz


All of us here at Brain Chain Games, Inc. wish you a happy and prosperous February and with it a happy Groundhog Day, Waitangi Day (we had to look it up, too!), Chinese New Year (Year of the Bear), Mardi Gras and most of all, we wish you and your loved one a very happy Valentine’s Day!

In the Brain Chain spirit, here is a quiz to test your knowledge about the month of February. Email your answers to and we will let you know how you did.

1. February gets its name from the Latin word februa. What is the meaning of februa?

2. Which ancient ruler took a day from February to make August the same length as July?

3. What is the birthstone for February?

4. How often does February have twenty-nine days?

5. According to tradition, what forecast is indicated if the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2nd?

6. What is the literal two-word English translation of “Mardi Gras”?

7. During which U.S. war did Valentine’s Day become commonly observed?

8. According to mythology, Cupid is whose son?

9. St. Valentine's Day is referenced in which Shakespearean play?

10. The most infamous St. Valentine's Day occurred in 1929 when seven people were gunned down in an assassination attempt in Chicago. Who was the gang leader who ordered this strike against “Bugs” Moran?

Thank you, as always, for taking the time to read our posts and respond to our quizzes. We really appreciate all of your thoughts, comments and suggestions! Have a tremendous February.


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